Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Melawai girls Clubbing

Booking Melawai girls Clubbing : Thumbs up Kings Melody Lounge Bar @Amos Cozy Hotel - Melawai - Blok M. Visit Kings Melody Lounge Bar feel the romantic ambiance with your partners info: +622172801368-69 ... Jakarta, Indonesia. The Living in Indonesia Expat Forum is a sister site of Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates at www.expat.or.id All rights reserved. The information contained within this forum should not be construed as recommendations upon which you can rely without further personal

Nightlife in Bar 5 hotel Melawai Jakarta
The Melawai Hotel, is a run-down cheap hotel on the edges of Blok M. A few years ago it was known for its busy and popular disco but now it is a convenient place to take girls for the night who have been picked up in My Bar or Top Gun on the Blok. The room rates are reasonable and the staff are discreet, although don’t expect luxury.

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