Kehebohanku child nungguin main MotoGP. History is broadcast familiar...
Hours of the night, may 1, 2011. The battle began. As usual, there are 26 towers at dilaluin. Still no round, a driver that is located in the 1st pole position "kejungkel!" Simoncelli had thank the sick, sad because can not ngelanjutin:)
The first position occupied by Yamaha, Lorenzo. Second occupied jagoanku, PEDROSA! Ahihi asik nih home games...
A competition very hard, there is one that I am bingungin... Where if Rossi who was still hailed as the best pilots? Where Mas? Haha, this important mah Pedrosa if 26: D

Yes I see! Rossi is in a position of four Dovizioso followed! I think any topic Honda, Yes, I?
Pretty geregetan I at this time the race to the Tower 4, Lorenzo Pedrosa not nyelip-nyelip! ' This my Pedrosa! I know that you are the best star! "So, batinku. Sebenernya positions that they two deket banget! Only, do not dare nyelip Akang Pedrosa to new if around the bend. (This is OK, Bro)
It turns have brother Stoner in third position. SIP! Loan leadernya, Lorenzo of skidding! Pedrosa and Stoner go!

On lap 6, spies are currently at 10. Si beau, of the people. Oh, not possible! Pedrosa tetep more beautiful!
If diliat-liat, Rossi in 7 more fierce same sengitan Dovizioso towers. Of course, his name is also consistent. Yes, no?

Argh! Ayo dong Pedrosa, Stoner, skid Lorenzo! The distance that you deket! Come on, guys!
WHA, where spies also want nyelip-nyelip. The Danger...From the beginning to now position 1 is always occupied by Lorenzo, 2. Pedrosa, 3. Stoner, 4. Rossi, 5. Dovizioso... Well, the game began to warm.
A a a! AAA! The towers of 10 retired, Spies! Too sad...
Should the you Honda if right tracknya can fit. Must be nyelip. Dong Ayo, Pedrosa, throw all that keberanianmu! Not anything, Masmu, Stoner keep kok belakangmu. Come on come!
Almost aja Pedrosa want nyelip Lorenzo. But, unfortunately, it is bad strategy. "It should move to the left side, but Pedrosa on the right side."
The position of the trunk emang Pedrosa, but it can be more secure seenggaknya it in first position. Pedrosa:.

Hihi, proud I had a glimpse of clay Honda cars and driver uniform Honda sentences one heart, Indonesia x: D announcements
11 rounds to go. The group leader position has not changed... Magnificent constant!
I think that the position of the big 5 was Honda. Ducati 1, Yamaha 1... But Yamaha could be mimpin, while Honda is in the average position and 5. Difficult deh...!
A large part of the curve, Pedrosa gradually in the affirmative. Aduduh, right track, but Pedrosa still not in a position to nyelip-.-.
But the Portugal includes the nice circuit. (The landscape is beautiful) pilots also... Hhehe, from...
Spedometernya Pedrosa dimunculin screen!
Deh Gemesin, 6 laps to go tetep aja leading position has not changed!
In this case not only mending regular partner Lorenzo yet again, bored! Same friend aja... Stoner: b Odd ah, but.
The grid kerasa cepet banget! Almost abis turn!
Okay, Pedrosa, if you have not been able to nyelip it is very well!

Surprise! Pedrosa nyelip Lorenzo! I cried spontaneously happy! You are incredible, Bro...
Bravo! Congratulations! Gitu Dong, I'm proud of YA: senyumtermanis...
Aserehe! I seneng! Oops, not be too happy. There are still 3 tours. Beware also, Pedrosa... Cepet, meticulous, attentive and confident! One heart!
Keep your distance, Lho. Stay calm, Don't break concentration, Yes...
Now I'm goose bumps smile-smile. Clay Rossi nervous continued Dovizioso. Hehhe... Don't be nervous, kak...
Great Stoner pourrait nyelip Lorenzo. But alas, very far... really Ckckck!

YEE! DANI PEDROSA WIN THE CHAMPION! Congratulations, Bang...
A surprise second, DOVIZIOSO nyelip Rossi on the last turn on the right track! Ayee!
Pedrosa, you're the best!

The order of the winner of the GP Portugal... Sunday, may 1, 2011:
1. Pedrosa (Honda)
2. Lorenzo (Yamaha)
3 Stoner (Honda)
4. Dovizioso (Honda)
5 Rossi (Ducati)
You are so cute, Pedrosa... Why crying you? You're a brave guy, is to make you be a winner. I am proud of you, my family too, all your supporter. Always be the best, I love Pedrosa...
Don ' t cry, I'll hold your tears and create a smile. Nice! :)
Congratulations to you, dear, Pedrosa...

I see the assignment of the Cup. The oath, clay face Pedrosa proud... National anthem of Spain, the country of origin Pedrosa dimainin. Ah, glad I liat Pedrosa has won this time. Happy face really the same, although he sempet moved to kejuaraannya. It is so sweet... This is the best day, Pedrosa, I will always help you!
3 winner MotoGP interviewed. The Pedrosa cute face! Hahahha... Before, I'm going to celebrate it! Eh, why abis that looks like you so tired? Go take your most pleasant smile, Bro... The victory, not lemes dong. One heart in my heart!
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